Diving into Action: POP Myanmar's Odyssey to Tackle the Plastic Crisis

Diving into Action: POP Myanmar's Odyssey to Tackle the Plastic Crisis

Posted by Joe Wasia on

When faced with an overflowing bathtub, you don't just mop the floor and call it a day, right? The same goes for tackling the plastic crisis! At our Plastic Offset Program (POP), we're not just about cleaning beaches. We're all about turning off the plastic tap and slowing down the flow of this troublesome material into our precious oceans.

POP Myanmar Volunteer

POP Myanmar is on a mission to make a difference, and our volunteers are the heart and soul of this endeavor. Since our Singaung Chapter set sail in February 2023, our dedicated team has witnessed the reckless dumping of garbage into the environment, rivers, and even directly onto the shores. It's a real mess out there!

But we're not the kind to sit idly by. We've been rolling up our sleeves, providing environmental education to community members, and getting our hands dirty with some good old-fashioned volunteering. Thanks to our tireless efforts, the village administrator has taken notice and spoken out against the dumping problem. Yet, the main hiccup was that most people simply had no proper way to dispose of their waste.

So, what did we do? We teamed up with the village administrator and volunteered to help find a solution. The residents were informed that they could use a local landfill site, but there was a catch – the road to the waste disposal site had been battered by monsoon rains, making it a real challenge to traverse.

On the 14th of July, 2023, after some hearty negotiations with the local administrator, our Singaung Team Leader, Htein Lin, and a squad of 13 dedicated collectors rolled up their sleeves and took on the road repair mission. Together, they repaved the road and even installed wooden fences to protect it from erosion. After two days of hard work, that road was as good as new!

Waste Management in Myanmar

Waste management in Myanmar has been a real head-scratcher. The country has been wrestling with a feeble waste management system that's causing all sorts of environmental and public health nightmares. Rapid urbanization and population growth have led to a surge in waste generation, and the existing infrastructure simply can't keep up.

The situation is dire – limited collection coverage, haphazard pick-up schedules, and inefficient disposal methods leave a significant chunk of waste uncollected. The result? Eyesores and unsanitary dumpsites in urban areas. To make matters worse, the absence of proper waste segregation and recycling facilities leads to recyclable materials ending up in landfills. And if that's not bad enough, informal waste-pickers resort to hazardous practices like burning waste, which spew harmful pollutants into the air.

The fallout from this mess is no joke – from water and soil contamination to the spread of diseases. And the unchecked dumping of plastic waste is taking a toll on Myanmar's unique ecosystems.

But guess what? We're not just pointing out problems; we're working on solutions. We believe it's time for the government, private sector, and communities to join hands and tackle this waste management crisis head-on. Comprehensive policies, recycling initiatives, and modern infrastructure are the way forward to clean up the mess and protect our environment.

Plastic Offset Program (POP) in Singaung

Now, let's talk about our POP Myanmar Team in Singaung. We're all about reducing plastic waste in Myanmar, particularly in Rakhine State's Thandwe City. Our first POP chapter kicked off in Ngapali in September 2022, and the second chapter – the one in Singaung Beach – got rolling as a sub-chapter in February 2023.

For nearly six months now, our dedicated POP collectors have been on the ground, tirelessly collecting trash to clean up the beach and make it beautiful again. It's not just plastic waste; we're also tackling fabric waste. In the past half-year, we've collected a whopping 50 tons of plastic and fabric, making a real impact on Singaung's shoreline.

Singaung is home to restaurants, fish shops, and residential houses. For years, people living and working here have been carelessly tossing plastic waste into the sea, leading to a massive pile-up along the beach. But fear not, because our fantastic POP collectors and leaders are working hard to change the game and safeguard Myanmar's precious coastline.

At POP, we're all about making a splash – but only with positive change and a cleaner environment!

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