SOMWR 2022 Carbon Footprint Report: An Action!
Joe Wasia

From the beginning, SOMWR has taken steps to be the best clothing brand for the planet. Whilst also taking measures to ensure the materials used by the brand release the...


POP Update: Empowering Gyeiktaw High School through Trash Bin Support

POP Update: Empowering Gyeiktaw High School through Trash Bin Support

By Joe Wasia

Continuing the journey from the POP Myanmar article, our efforts in Singaung didn't stop at cleaning up the beach. At the Plastic Offset Program (POP),...

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Planet or Pleasure: Your Addictions are Hurting The Planet

Planet or Pleasure: Your Addictions are Hurting The Planet

By Joe Wasia

In today’s fast-paced world, our lifestyles are entangled with various industries that significantly contribute to environmental degradation. Beyond the well-known culprits of fast fashion and...

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These Are The 5 Major Contributors to Plastic Polutions

These Are The 5 Major Contributors to Plastic Polutions

By Joe Wasia

Plastic pollution remains a critical environmental challenge, wreaking havoc on ecosystems and posing a severe threat to biodiversity. While plastics are ubiquitous in our daily...

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Dressed in Green: The Joyful History of Sustainable Fashion

Dressed in Green: The Joyful History of Sustainable Fashion

By Joe Wasia

Step into the vibrant world of sustainable fashion, where every thread weaves a tale of conscious choices and positive impact. This journey, from humble beginnings...

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Joining Forces with Ocean Conservation NGOs for Plastic-Free Seas

Joining Forces with Ocean Conservation NGOs for Plastic-Free Seas

By Joe Wasia

Beneath the azure waves lies a world teeming with life, but it's also a realm besieged by the plastic menace. As guardians of our oceans,...

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Plastic Pollution Unveiled: A Startling Fact and Urgent Call to Action"

Plastic Pollution Unveiled: A Startling Fact and Urgent Call to Action"

By Joe Wasia

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, leaving an indelible mark on ecosystems around the globe. While...

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Understanding Eco-Friendly Certifications in Fashion

Understanding Eco-Friendly Certifications in Fashion

By Joe Wasia

Welcome, conscious fashion enthusiasts! Today, let's embark on a journey deep into the heart of sustainable fashion. Our destination? The world of eco-friendly certifications that...

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Greenwashing Unveiled: A Consumer's Guide to Making Genuine Eco-Friendly Choices

Greenwashing Unveiled: A Consumer's Guide to Making Genuine Eco-Friendly Choices

By Joe Wasia

As the demand for sustainable products and services grows, so does the risk of falling victim to greenwashing—the deceptive practice of companies presenting a misleading...

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SOMWR: Stylish Threads and Ocean Cleanups – 762,727 kg of Plastic Hauled in 2023!

SOMWR: Stylish Threads and Ocean Cleanups – 762,727 kg of Plastic Hauled in 2023!

By Joe Wasia

Hey there, trendsetters! Get ready to dive into the world of SOMWR, where fashion meets a serious commitment to our planet. Guess what? In 2023,...

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