Greenwashing Unveiled: A Consumer's Guide to Making Genuine Eco-Friendly Choices

Greenwashing Unveiled: A Consumer's Guide to Making Genuine Eco-Friendly Choices

Posted by Joe Wasia on

As the demand for sustainable products and services grows, so does the risk of falling victim to greenwashing—the deceptive practice of companies presenting a misleading image of their commitment to environmental responsibility. In this article, we explore common greenwashing tactics, highlight the genuine efforts of the sustainability brand SOMWR, and provide insights into how consumers can safeguard themselves from falling prey to misleading environmental claims.

The Origins of Greenwashing:

The term "greenwashing" emerged in the 1980s as companies sought to capitalize on the market potential of eco-friendly products without making substantial changes to their practices. Today, greenwashing remains a challenge, making it essential for consumers to be discerning in their choices.

Common Greenwashing Tactics:

  1. Vague or Misleading Labels: Ambiguous terms like "natural" or "eco-friendly" can be used without clear evidence of environmental responsibility.
  2. Irrelevant Certifications: Some companies display certifications that lack substance or relevance to their actual practices.
  3. Empty Marketing Slogans: Companies may use slogans conveying a commitment to sustainability without concrete actions to support them.
  4. Distraction from Larger Issues: Greenwashing can involve deflecting attention from significant environmental concerns within a company's operations.

The Genuine Commitment of SOMWR:

Amidst the prevalence of greenwashing, SOMWR stands out for its authentic commitment to sustainability. With every purchase, SOMWR goes beyond mere claims and implements impactful initiatives, including:

  1. Plastic Cleanup Initiative: For every SOMWR purchase, we are dedicated to removing 1.4kg of plastic from the environment. This initiative goes beyond words, demonstrating a tangible commitment to reducing plastic pollution.
  2. Tree Planting Program: SOMWR actively contributes to reforestation efforts by planting one VCS Certified Mangrove Tree for every purchase. This not only helps restore ecosystems but also contributes to the fight against climate change.
  3. Certified B Corporation: SOMWR holds the prestigious Certified B Corporation status, signifying its commitment to meeting rigorous social and environmental standards. This certification is a testament to the brand's genuine dedication to making a positive impact.
  4. Verra Organization Certification: By being certified by the Verra organization, SOMWR adheres to internationally recognized standards for environmental and social responsibility, further validating its commitment to sustainability.

Protecting Yourself from Greenwashing:

  1. Research and Verify Claims: Take the time to research and verify a company's environmental claims. Look for specific details and evidence supporting their sustainability initiatives.
  2. Scrutinize Labels and Certifications: Be wary of vague labels and certifications. Research the meaning and legitimacy of certifications to ensure they align with genuine environmental stewardship.
  3. Examine Company Practices: Look beyond marketing slogans and examine a company's overall practices. Transparent companies will openly share their sustainability initiatives and progress.
  4. Check for Third-Party Certifications: Legitimate third-party certifications, such as B Corporation and Verra Organization, can provide assurance of a company's commitment to rigorous social and environmental standards.
  5. Consider the Entire Product Lifecycle: Evaluate a product's entire lifecycle, from production to disposal. Companies genuinely committed to sustainability will address environmental concerns at every stage.


As consumers, we play a pivotal role in promoting genuine sustainability and discouraging greenwashing. By staying informed, researching claims, and supporting transparent brands like SOMWR, we contribute to a marketplace where authenticity and environmental responsibility take precedence. Arm yourself with knowledge and make choices that align with your values, ensuring that your commitment to a sustainable future is not compromised by deceptive greenwashing practices.

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